Check out our new dedicated Homeowner's Portal. We are trying to provide a quick access for pertinent and timely information that you, as a Homeowner, will find helpful. Take a look at it and let us know what you think and what we could add. We have some ideas ourselves and will be rolling out enhancements going forward so be sure to check back often.
Included on this page are links to the approved 2016 Amended Budget and the approved 2017 Budget. You will also find the presentation that the Board received at it's November meeting on the proposed amendments to the Rules and Regulations. This presentation highlights the most important proposed changes to the Rules and Regulations. If you are interested, a link to a complete markup of the Rules and Regulations is included. The District is taking comments on the proposed changes for the next two months, with the Board set to give final consideration at it's January meeting. If you have any comments, please submit them in writing (email or letter) during that time frame.
The District's offices will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday and Friday, November 24 & 25. The offices will be closed for the Christmas holidays on December 23 & 26.