Election Notices and Information


General Information and Eligibility

Members of the District Board of Directors serve staggered four-year terms, and elections are held on the May Uniform Election Date (First Saturday in May) in odd-numbered years.

The District has five directors. One director represents the District as a whole and is elected at-large. A candidate for the at-large directorship must be a qualified voter who resides in the District. One director represents each of the county commissioners’ precincts in Franklin County. The director for a precinct is elected by the qualified voters residing in the precinct. A candidate for a precinct’s directorship must be a qualified voter who resides in the precinct. In addition, directors must be twenty-one years of age, and reside and own land in the District. Generally, a candidate for office should not already hold public office with jurisdiction overlapping the boundaries or territory of the district. Potential candidates for the Board of Directors are encouraged to review Texas Water Code Section 49.052, which details certain conditions of disqualification for directors of water districts.

The law creating the District also requires candidates to present a petition for a place on the ballot signed by ten residents of the District or precinct (as applicable) qualified to vote at the election.

Upcoming Election

The next Board of Directors election will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025.

The following positions are up for election:

Precinct 1

Precinct 2

Candidates for Director must file an Application for a Place on the Ballot and other forms as listed below and indicate which position for which they seek elected office.

The election shall be held at the early voting and election day polling places within the District and/or precinct applicable to the director position up for election.

Individuals seeking a place on the ballot may obtain the required forms upon request to the District in person at 112 N Houston Street, Mount Vernon, Texas 75457, by email at fcwd@fcwd.com, or by downloading the following:

1. An Application for a Place on the Ballot: https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/forms/pol-sub/2-21f.pdf

2. Appointment of a Campaign Treasurer by a Candidate

(CTA): https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/data/forms/coh/cta.pdf
(Instructions: https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/forms/coh/CTA_ins.php)

3. Petition for Place on the Ballot: https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/forms/pol-sub/2-16f.pdf

4. Declaration for a Write-in Candidacy: https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/forms/pol-sub/2-23f.pdf

(Note these forms are prepared by the Secretary of State for municipal elections but is also accepted by the District to meet petition requirements under applicable law)

Applications for a Place on the Ballot, Appointment of Campaign Treasurer, and the Petition for Place on the Ballot should be filed within the dates cited in person, by mail, or via email as provided in the District’s official Notice of Deadline to File and Application.

Franklin County Water District - 06-01-2023
Election Announcement
Notice of Deadline to file an Application for place on the Ballot Cities, School Districts, and other political Subdivisions
Monday 16th of December 2024

For more information: Click here
Notice of Deadline to file an Application for place on the Ballot Cities, School Districts, and other political Subdivisions